Superlauncher Reboot — 27 Nov 2023

SuperLauncher DAO
3 min readNov 27, 2023


Dear Birdies,

A New Dawn at Superlauncher: Reflecting, Learning, and Soaring Higher

As the sun rises on 27 Nov 2023, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in Superlauncher’s journey. Born amidst the market’s zenith in 2021, our mission was clear: unearth the hidden gems of the crypto world for you, our valued users. Along this vibrant path, we’ve celebrated the highs of success and navigated the lows with resilience.

Today, we stand at a crossroads, fueled by lessons learned and a renewed vision.

Our Journey: Celebrating Successes and Embracing Lessons

  • Our journey has been one of discovery and growth. We’ve seen low-cap gems skyrocket, rewarding our users with significant returns. Yet, not all ventures soared as hoped. This duality of success and challenge has been our greatest teacher.
  • As a beacon in the crowdfunding realm, we’ve realized the profound responsibility we hold. Market tides are unpredictable, but our commitment to you remains unshakable.
  • Our greatest revelation: You, our users, are the heart of Superlauncher. Your trust is our most precious asset, and protecting it is our unwavering mission.

A Testament to Our Commitment

  1. Staying True to Our Roots: Since our community-driven IDO on 12 April 2021, we’ve stood firm in our resolve. No external capital has diluted our vision or swayed our direction.
  2. A United Front: Our core team remains as solid as ever, with 70% of the team-allocated tokens still undistributed despite being fully vested, subject to internal KPIs.
  3. Holding the Fort: In our treasury lies over 95% of the tokens from projects launched during our last bull run, a testament to our belief in their potential and our long-term commitment.

Embarking on a Transformative Journey Together

As we embark on this new chapter, your voice and your vision are more crucial than ever. In the forthcoming updates, we are excited to share the specifics of our reimagined tokenomics. While maintaining the total supply of our tokens, we’ve ventured beyond the conventional, crafting powerful applications for LAUNCH. Our focus has also been on reshaping the allocation model and elevating user protection standards to new heights.

These enhancements are not mere tweaks; they are bold strides towards realizing our shared vision. Each step we take is a leap towards a future where Superlauncher and its community thrive in unison, shaping a landscape where innovation, security, and user empowerment are paramount.

Furthermore, we are thrilled to announce a loyalty program as a token of appreciation for every user who has journeyed with us on the Superlauncher platform. This program is our way of saying thank you — for your trust, your engagement, and your unwavering support.

And there’s more! We’re also on the brink of unveiling a completely overhauled website. This isn’t just a facelift; it’s a transformation, reflecting our evolution and readiness to embrace the future with you.

Stay tuned, as each of these updates will unfold in our upcoming communications. Your engagement and feedback will be pivotal as we roll out these exciting new features and programs.

Together, we’re not just launching tokens; we’re launching dreams, redefining possibilities, and forging a path towards a future brimming with opportunity and success.

Yours Truly,
Your Birdies



SuperLauncher DAO

Investment DAO facilitating mass participation in early-stage & listed ventures; decentralized capital management across 20+ EVMs. Headquartered on zkSync Era.